My Unique Skillset

Why Me?

My business philosophy is simple and direct. As the “Deborah” in Editing by Deborah, I am responsible for every project that arrives in my office.

I personally handle all business editing requirements. I do not outsource, farm out, or subcontract any of my work.

This may sound old-fashioned, but my word is my bond. Although my perfectionism drives my family up the wall (and down the hall), it’s this annoying trait that ensures your satisfaction with the finished product.

My goal is to help you and your company succeed. I know what it takes to flourish in all economic climates across a wide spectrum of industries (from family-owned to multinational corporations).

  • As an entrepreneur, I started several small businesses including, but not limited to: freelance writing; copy editing; public relations; and ecommerce sites.
  • As editor-in-chief for a Fortune 500 healthcare corporation, I wrote and edited training manuals and films for paramedical professionals.
  • As a writer for public television, I created college-level courses. In addition, I’ve written screenplays, novels, short stories, and a children’s book. I’ve also ghostwritten several non-fiction books for psychologists and health practitioners.
  • As executive director for an international association, I expanded the membership base, automated the home office, coordinated conferences and trade shows, and implemented the objectives of the Board of Directors.
  • As communications specialist for numerous mid-sized businesses, I strengthened company image, defined brand, increased membership, organized and coordinated trade shows, wrote press releases, and created effective newsletters and brochures.
  • As sales/marketing manager for a contract engineering and manufacturing firm, I designed the website and brand, developed a social media marketing strategy and campaign, and wrote web content.

Why You?

You are the exact person I’m looking for as a client. You are in business to make money and to live a happy, productive, and successful life!

So am I.

If you’re happy with me and the way I analyze, edit, and polish your work, you will want to hire me again and again and again.

Everybody wins!

Why Now?Don't procrastinate!

Why not now? What exactly are you waiting for? Pick your favorite excuse:

  • The time isn’t right.
  • I don’t have the budget.
  • I’d rather do it all myself.
  • I need to wait for board (spouse/partner/shrink) approval.
  • Maybe next year (certainly the year after that).

While you await the “perfect” time, your competition is moving forward. Thriving companies realize there is no “down” time when it comes to marketing, promoting, and advertising.

When the economy is slow, you have time to ramp up a marketing campaign that keeps your name in front of your customers. When the economy turns around, your clients will call you first because you’ve remained connected to them.


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